Are you an Owner/Tenant of Deansgate Square?

We have formed the South Tower Residents’ Association (STRA) as a separate body to represents the owners, investors and tenants of the apartments in the DG South Tower.

We hold general meetings (minuted) where we discuss the issues and concerns faced by the residents and investors of the South Tower and Deansgate Square. There is also a WhatsApp Group for day to day discussions. More about Residents’ Associations.

Deansgate Square, South Tower entrance

Your details

If you choose to join you will be updated with meeting details (held on Zoom) and the minutes. If you have concerns re the South Tower, the freeholder, the management group etc you can submit them to be included on the agenda at an up and coming general meeting.

If you would like to join, right now there is no membership fee - though this may change as we acquire expenses. We are still building up the membership to gain the required membership number and formal recognition.

Our next meeting is To be confirmed

* indicates required